A diferrent and new,
Same old me
Same old me
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Logo Baru Kapital'93 (just needed something new to show...) |
dah berzaman blog ni x diupdate ngan proper...
tapi sebelum bermula... aku nak ucapkan...
selamat tinggal 2013... dan selamat datang 2014...kalau nak ceritakan semua yg berlaku sepanjang 2013...
mmg byk... dan kalau cerita semua hanya aku yg paham... hm...
aku akan cerita gak sikit.. tapi sedikit highlight yg bagi aku best untuk 2013 ni....
- Jubli Intan Sk. Relong... sekolah rendahku... my early education and where I met most of my best friends...
- SMK Clifford 100 Tahun!, hebat sekolah menengah aku ni.. dah seabad... boleh kata sekolah ni tempat turning point aku dulu, dan Hidup KAPITAL'93!
- Goodbye my teens year... 1/12/2013... aku akhirnya 20 tahun... tak rasa tua... kerana tua mana kita pun, kita sebaya ngan sahabat kita... tapi aku sedar, semakin jauh perjalanan hidup kita semakin dekat kita ke penghujung... hm...
- Selamat Pencen Ayahku!, Guru Besar SK Padang Tengku akhirnya berhenti berkhidmat setelah 33 tahun mengajar... lepas ni sibukla dia menternak ikan dan jaga kebun... hehe
- Tapi sebelum ayah aku boleh wat semua tu.... dia kena tunggu something... which is... Akak aku kahwin!... haha perkahwinan akak aku ngan bakal abang ipar aku (Abg Ajak) akan berlangsung 2014 InsyaAllah.. tapi tahniah atas pertunangan akak aku hari tu... lepas akak aku kahwin abang aku lak nak tunang... aku? hehehe
- roomate aku kahwin! wow, walaupun sebaye... tapi... syukurlah untuk die... mende baik xyah tangguh kan... (aku ckp camtu, tapi aku bile lagi...?)
- Aku beli 3DS dan Pokemon X!.. biar org kata membazir.. but sometimes passions doesn't care about money... but they do need money...
- NRIC is the best!!! takkan lupa pengalaman bersama geng2 NRIC13... pengalaman dan hubungan tu akan kekal selamanya... NRIC14 ni akan aku jumpa barisan baru pulak... wish US luck....
- 1st time gi luar negara.. walaupun Thailand je... tapi pengalaman yg bagus...
- special mention to PERDAMA, and PSF for a great year making my University life a much better experience... and also to PMI,MPDT,RKM,Intergriti,Astronomi, dan lain2 lagi yg aku x ingat... walaupun bukan ahli aktif, tapi dpt gak join program korang
- And to all my family members and friends, past and present... I may have not be able to go through this year without all your support... aku x nak tulis nama takut tertinggal sape2... sincerely, thank you...
bukan x nak kenang ape yg negatif...
bukan nak pendam ape yg aku rasakan...
bagi aku we have to spread the positiveness...
and learn from the negativeness...
bukan tak nak korang belajar...
but something are best not shared... hm.. (ayat aku agak contradict diri sendiri tapi I'll stand by it)
Ok... now to the things I learn (anf possibly the long boring part)
aku cuba ringkaskan...
Tahun 2013 ni adalah sem 2 dan 3 aku kat USM...
byk event yg aku dah join... dan pengalaman die mmg byk membantu...
aku belajar kemahiran2 kendiri yg diperlukan...,
meningkatkan keyakinan diri aku yg rendah ni...
walaupun sikit2 tapi aku berharap aku mampu bercakap depan ramai org ngan yakin,
kerana tahun ini juga mendidik aku mengenai kepimpinan...
beberapa persatuan dpt aku kenali lain2 cara2 kepimpinan yg ditonjolkan...
tak semua itu bagus.. tapi aku belajar... ambil yg keruh buang yg jernih...
aku juga mengenali lebih ramai org kat USM ni....
aku mengenali lebih ramai jenis manusia, ade yg positif dan negatif...
dan walaupun kita x semestinya masuk ngan semua orang...
x perlu jadikan kelainan kita untuk tidak bertegur sape...
dan kita takkan betul2 kenal org tu melainkan kita kenal dia sendiri...
aku belajar untuk lebih berdirikari...
makin jauh duduk ngan family makin buat aku hargai diorang...
walaupun tetap aku jarang call... (aku jenis macam tu...)
Aku juga sedar kekurangan aku dlm bab agama...
tapi masih ada di sudut hati aku untuk perbaiki diri ini....
semoga aku memperoleh hidayah untuk menjadi hambaMu yg lebih baik... Amin
Terlalu byk yg aku lalui...
ade yg keseorangan ade yg bersama org lain...
tapi apa penting,
aku hadapi semua itu...
apa yg lepas dah lepas...
aku x boleh tukar masa lampau,
tapi aku boleh merancang masa hadapan...
Macam aku ckp, byk yg dah berlaku dlm tempuh 365.25 hari ni...
ade mase aku sedih, ade mase aku gembira....
terlalu byk emosi yg aku alami dlm kehidupan ini...
jadi... sedikit coretan yg aku terfikir yg aku nak kongsi...
That moment,
You see them, at first you felt rejected,
You see them, at first you felt rejected,
like you meant nothing, then you
you never belong with them,
then you feel like you don't belong
you are nobody,
you are alone,
you have no life,
and then you
lose hope...
But, you should know,
you don't need anyone to notice you to exist,
you don't need anyone to acknowledge you to be somebody,
you don't have to live like everyone else to have a life,
and never feel alone, once you believe you are alone, then you are truly alone,
But, you should know,
you don't need anyone to notice you to exist,
you don't need anyone to acknowledge you to be somebody,
you don't have to live like everyone else to have a life,
and never feel alone, once you believe you are alone, then you are truly alone,
even when there are others trying to reach you...
you are who you are, ain't no one can tell you don't have a life,
you are who you are, ain't no one can tell you don't have a life,
life is how you
choose to live,
remember that and live your life to fullest of what you
right or wrong is another matter...
you may at one time encounter the right path,
you may at one time encounter the right path,
or you may at one point deviate from it,
because you can never know what the future keep in store for us,
life is
not just a straight line,
keep you faith, hope for the best,
moving forward and seek for the answers...
I am who I am,
I am who I am,
different people may see me differently,
but that is not going to change who I am,
they can give their thoughts & opinions to influence me in making a decision,
they can give their thoughts & opinions to influence me in making a decision,
but the final decision ultimately come to myself,
I'll keep on living,
I'll keep on living,
doing the things I feel right,
and reflecting and improving on the things I've done wrong,
I know I am not he best of person,
I know I am not he best of person,
but I also know for a certain,
I can keep becoming better,
I'll keep on learning,
I'll keep on learning,
not for anyone or anything,
but for the knowledge
Ignorance may be bliss,
but knowledge is power...
I'll remember those whose had an impact on my life,
I'll remember those whose had an impact on my life,
and I try to remember
even those who don't,
even if they never truly care about me...
friends come and go, memories may fade away,
friends come and go, memories may fade away,
but at least the moments were real...
Remember and learn from the past, Live in the present, Hope and claim the future
Come at me 2014...
Jadi itu saja yg aku nak ckp...
aku tahu agak lambat untuk post tahun baru...
tapi tak terlalu lambat untuk refleksi diri...
Sekali aku ucapkan... Selamat tahun baru...
Goodbye 2013... Hello 2014...
And again thanks, all of you...
~End of Story~
I think I'm right ,

p/s:New outro... new Kapital logo... and (in near future) new banner
p/s lagi: tetibe sedih pulak aku tulis entry ni... hm...